Christa McAuliffe Middle School - Fall Portraits 2024-2025




33.333333% complete

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Package A

2 - 8x10, 2 - 5x7 , 2 - 3½x5, 8 - 2½x3½ 
 1-Digital Image

Package B

 1 - 8x10, 2 - 5x7, 4 - 3½x5, 8 - 2½x3½,
 1 - Digital Image

Package C

2 - 5x7, 4 - 3½x5, 8 - 2½x3½

Package D

 1 - 5x7, 4 - 3½x5, 8 - 2½x3½,

Christa McAuliffe Middle School - Fall Portraits 2024-2025